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morning from a rain sodden capital

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emmie | 05:37 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
whats it like where you are, its still raining, and looks like we won't be doing much if this keeps up.


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Bright n fine in hants..................... though not slept yet!!!!!!!!!!
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that's because you had a drink, or so you said, have you walked the dogs yet
Yep !!
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bit early for us, but you fill yer boots
I thought yesterday would break the record of rain every day in June - it was sunny in the morning and guess what - it rained in the evening. It's still raining this morning.
It's raining in this part of Hampshire!
Good Morning (again)...I thought I already did this...I need more coffee =)
Not in the Meon Valley, yet bensmum, but waiting.................oh sleep,I wish, I do hope it come, the Swift are awake, the Blackbird so loud, the robin sings all through the night.....................
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still raining, sorry, though cheery weatherman says that things can only get better, now where did i hear that piece of good news...let me see,

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morning from a rain sodden capital

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