create a profile.... "billyetta is a hardworking, enthusiasic person and is dedicated to following her dream of excelling in the *^%$^* world ..." etc etc, or something along those lines.
list gcse taken and write 'awaiting results'
perhaps mention that she did well in her mock so the outcome of succesful results is good.
mention all hobbies no matter how small
mention any jobs at all, saturday jobs, regular babysitting jobs, window cleaning, whatever, shows trust, a willingness to work and character - though only ones that she started a mini business with, not just chores because you told her too
mention any awards or achievements -" young person of the ...." "first aid" or prefect, class leader, brownies, etc etc
emplyers won't expect a lot from a 16 year old in the way of jobs and experience, so they just want to know she's not a spoilt selfish brat, and has a brain