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The "not unpacking thread"..:-)

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Bobbisox | 19:38 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Hi all, hope you have all been well, yep I had a fab hol!
but just popped in to say Hi y'aall


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nice to hear you both a nice holiday.
**** had ****
Hey Bobbi, good to hear you had a good holiday and welcome back :) x
Hi Bobbi, great to hear that your hol was fab!............
Welcome back, glad you had a good time.
Good for you. My turn now, off to Cyprus in the early hours of tomorrow :)
Welcome back bobbie, have you unpacked yet? got your first load of washing in? Leave it until the weather gets better. Nice to hear you had a good time,
Oh Alice, Love Cyprus, sure you'll have a great time there!........
Staying just outside Paphos in a small village called Tala. Been there so many times I have 'locals' rights and prices.......!
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Sounds great Alice, have a lovely holiday!............I love Cyprus!......
welcome home Bobbi, we all missed you, glad you had a great time.
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ohhh SlackAlice, this is my all time favourite little Cypriot village, been there many,many times, we love it, I know you won't see this but I will ask you all about it when you return
Bobbi x
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sorry, how rude of me, thanks everyone :0)

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The "not unpacking thread"..:-)

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