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Barbie madness for heavens sake..

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Bobbisox | 22:36 Mon 27th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
It's raining here and the smell of the BQ is all around, don't we go mad when the sun shines?
they may be posh though and have a Chiminee and a marquee..


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A chiminee and a marquee..must have had a provi club out.
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treetops I like that, all fur coat and no knickers eh?
"red hat no drawers" my gran used to say along with - you'll end up in the News of the World my girl dead in a ditch with your knickers round your neck ! I'm 73 and it hasnt happened yet !sorry grandma !
went to a staff do once, and they had the barbecue in a marquee, you have never seen so much smoke in all your life, people coughing and spluttering, they couldn't hold it outside as weather wasn't that good.
Must admit, I though this was going to be about Barbie and Ken dolls!!!
When my next door neighbour gets the barbie out, I reach for hover mower (much less bovver wiv a hovver) and make as much racket as i can!! Am I being a barsteward or ruining the pretentious prats fun?

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Barbie madness for heavens sake..

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