The other night I was watching tv and some ads came on - there were two that struck me, both for deoderant. One bragged of 48 hour protection and the other of 72 hour protection. Why would anyone need 48 hours + of protection? Don't people have showers or baths these days?!!!!
And then there is the silly ad for the automatic soap dispenser which tries to persuade us that by not touching the soap dispenser you don't pick up germs. But once you have soap on your hands you wash them, don't you?
What adverts make you think - What The Funicular?!
Toothpaste adverts!! time was when the "dentist" would tell us that eating too many sweet or sugary foods was a major cause of tooth decay, now due to people eating more healthier foods the same toothpaste adverts are telling us that eating fresh fruit and vegetables is the major cause of tooth decay.
Adverts for yogurts!! person in advert dips spoon into yogurt, then they cut to an image of a spoon with just a dollop of yogurt on the spoon, how come some of the yogurt never ends up on the bottom of the spoon???