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telling me the price of petrol???

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gina32 | 18:16 Mon 27th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
just phoned up one of my local supermarkets to ask how much they are charging fro petrol and was told that it is against the law to say over the phone! has anyone ever heard of it before?


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why didnt you just check online?
That's plain daft, but use this website.

If you subscribe you get emails telling you the latest prices in your area.
Sounds a very strange law if its true! why would such a law be introduced in the first place?
^^this site is pretty up to date if you wantt o find the price of fuel.
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They are probably confusing legislation with their employment contract, they are not allowed to give out any information that might be detrimental to their employers business or trade. I someone rings me at work asking how much stuff is straight out I have to ask if they are a customer or another retailer. If someone rings up and asks if a particular product is in stock and then asks the price it is a different matter.
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i have tried the sites before but find its better that i speak to someone as its usually cheaper than the sites say. the colleague called for a manager and relayed the reply to me!
But of course that may not be the case where they work as I work for a very strict company with specific guidelines in place
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i have aksed before and had no problem getting the information
That sounds very odd indeed; what kind of fuel do they take you for? I expect that fuelled your anger, did it not?
I find is usually out of date with the current prices
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jonnyboy hilarious.........not
<I find is usually out of date with the current prices>

Nearly always - and doesn't list my local cheapest petrol station anyway

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telling me the price of petrol???

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