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Insufficient Postage

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joggerjayne | 23:24 Tue 28th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
If you get a card from the PO saying they couldn't deliver something, because there was insufficient postage ...

... what do you do?

I had a card a couple of days ago, saying I had to go to the Sorting Office and pay £1.36 because "The Sender Didn't Pay The Full Postage".

Well, I haven't ordered anything.

In what parallel universe do they seriously expect me to traipse over to the Sorting Office, and PAY for something I didn't order.

Duuuhh !!

I'm just about to click "Submit" and then I'm going into the kitchen to bin this card.

Just before I do ... it wasn't from any of you, was it?


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I'm also starting to wish that I was a bit more conscientious about separating all my waste.

Then, the bits of the card wouldn't be stuck to the sauce off my cannelloni.
Apperently Royal mail destroy post that they can't deliver, so I imagine JJ is will eventually be desroyed and you will never know.....but i doubt you'll lose any sleep over this ;0)
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Golly !!

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Insufficient Postage

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