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Mr McM

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Bbbananas | 09:07 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Hello :-)
Missing you too.
When's your rescheduled op?

Love, Salla Sparkle x


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* non-work laptop *
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I have to Trim, I feel honour bound to these days. Someone out there has it in for me, and I have to cover my fanny.
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I think we should all do it.

Sara, at home, not officially on strike but had already booked leave this week.
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Oh, ok. I see your point.
I wouldn't make a very good spy or undercover agent would I?
Hi salla. Op was scheduled for yesterday but got cancelled again. New date is 29 June but not holding my breath. Steady on Trim no need to have a pop at salla.
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He means well (trim). He does have a point I suppose. But whilst I have an enemy (enemies, enemas) I feel I have to justify my daytime postings.

All the best McM. Keep posting your jokes.
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Trim.. you mean when my son says "nothing" he may be fibbing?

surely not!
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Trim - would it surprise you if I said I was always saying that as a child - "Nuffink".
I still do it......!!

I know you wasn't having a pop - McM is just defending a lady. (Me, in case you're wondering who the lady is)

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Do you know the answer?

Mr McM

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