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i havent been here much just lately...

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stokemaveric | 21:41 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
have i missed anything???


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..... a 10-1 winner at Yarmouth today?
noooo very mundane Stokey :-))))
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ive been so busy maidup that i havent even been looking at the horses..anyway the way my tips were peforming last weekend i wouldnt have had a hope in hells chance of tipping any winners this week...
terribly exciting in genealogy, a real mystery but we're getting there.
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ho bobbi..a bit like my life just lately then lol..all work and no play just lately im afraid..x
well, where do I start?

AB had a refurbishment and wimped out on going for an hour long massage :(
where have you been then stokey ?

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i havent been here much just lately...

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