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yesterday about the strike

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Dee Sa | 19:39 Fri 01st Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I was listening to James Whale in the car yesterday ......
this guy hadphoned /text ? in he was refused permission to take his two kids out of school two days early to go to the US as a result he had to pay almost a grand more because the fares went up for the date he was allowed to take them, but .... when it suited the teachers they could take a day off whenever ....
I actually felt sympathy for the father .....


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What would have happened to him if he had taken them out early?
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dont know but being a good parent he abided by their rules, personally I would have said rollocks were going, that grand is a lot of dosh.
Funny if its Brit kids rules apply but other nationalitys taking kids to their "homeland" these rules dont apply, true believe me.
In extreme cases you can be fined or even taken to court. The rules about holidays are pretty much the same across all schools but you can be given permission for up to 10 school days - think it gets stricter in secondary school. The strike is a separate issue though.
If the children had an otherwise perfect attendance record two missing days would hardly have seen the parents taken to court.
A school does not have to give any permission but can give up to ten days. They can impose a £50 fine for every child who misses school.

The school I worked at (secondary school) had a particular member of staff with a right bee in her bonnet about holidays in school time and would fine any parent who took their child out of school for a holiday. (She was a complete cow.)

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