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what's this about the state pension age going up?

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dotty. | 10:11 Fri 01st Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
They've only just upped it to 65, they best not move the goalposts again.


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Ain't that the truth mcmouse.
between us we pay a sizeable chunk in tax each month, it's a fact of life and nothing we can do about it
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i know what you mean about the offset thing in recent years, but the pension i paid to back in the 1980s wasn't like that i don't think, it was compulsory with the house of fraser
You work hard at school , then uni ...get a good job ..
pay tons of tax
get promoted and pat tax at 40% and then 50% and NI of course
everything you buy costs your 20% in tax
you retire ..well hope to (66 for me ...will be 70 I guess when I make it to the end goal)....get a pittance of a state pension ...private pension and pay tax on it
Die and they charge you tax on what you leave to your family ...

Listen kids ....
Get out of this country while you can will never pay to well here will simply be supporting the growing population of imagination
Think about it ....someone from Poland works 40 hours a week on minumum wage and is taxed as such. They now get free health care , free education for the whole family and benefits if they fall out of work can you run an economic model like that ..
dotty ....your paying like me for the uncontrolled Labour imagration policy
dotty.- I don't understand what you mean when you say you are taxed 3 times on the same money. Yes, pension payments are taxable once they exceed your personal allowance. But you get tax relief on your pension contributions.
The change from 60-65 for women was initiated bythe previous robbing bast'rds.
Women seem to have been hard by these changes but I think the previous regime of a retirement age of 60 for women was an anomoly.
Life expectancy has increased significantly over the last 50 years. Even after the increases in pension age we will on average receive pensions for longer than pensioners did 50 years ago.

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what's this about the state pension age going up?

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