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Friday Whine :-(

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B00 | 13:11 Fri 01st Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Broke a bloody tooth, and not just an 'away at the back you won't notice kind of tooth', oh no, its one of the big two teeth at the front. I'm well crushed im having to go to the dentist (those of you who know how scared of the dentist i am) before my 6 month check up is due.

To say im gutted, crushed and feeling a bit weepy is an understatement.

And in case anyone is interested (I can tell you all are!) I broke it on a Mars Bar, so beware, tis killer chocolate :-(

I'm just off for a cry in a corner now....


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B00 - that is awful
You need cheering up (((HUG)))
How about a song?

The first cuspid's the deepest
Dent leave me this way
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whats a cuspid?
Marianne Faithful did things with her Mars a day BOO
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probably a lot less painful too eh Bobbs? ;-)
It is a tooth :o)
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ahhh, now see, thats what you get for throwing big fancy words at me, i dont get 'em ;-)
and it would have been quite soft BOO doubt she would have broke her tooth on it !
i can make them easier for you B00:

How sweet it is to be gummed by you

(this is helping you to pass the time ☺)
Sorry to hear about your tooth, B00 - as much as I love choccy, Mars Bars are not in my top 10 of favourites.........obviously they were in Marianne Faithfuls ---- hahaha
now now, everyone knows thatthe rumour about marianne, jagger and the mars bar are completely untrue.

it was in fact a curly wurly.
hahaha Ankou did it not get stuck a bit?
God not ANOTHER thread about BOO going to the dentist...glad Andy and Yogi are not on otherwise the thread would be full of phobia excuses.

Dear oh! dear! no bu99er likes the dentist...........
not true. fact.
put the claws away sqad... :)
I haven't been to the dentis for at least 6 years and my teeth are in a right state (can only eat on one side of my mouth). The last time I went I was congratulated on being brave (even though I was in floods of tears - sobbing, the works). Hate taking the children as I have to be all smiley and positive about it. Good luck later. x
my daughter is a DN sherr, she must think Oh No my mam is coming in a blubbering wreck..LOL
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hey pix, yeah, all three bits were still in me gob. Only one piece was still attached to my gum, the other two bits were attached to the first, a la jigsaw styly.
I sympathise, having chipped off lots of bits of teeth. If it was already a crown of some sort I suppose you'll be given a new one.

To be on the safe side go on an all-liquid diet; voddy should help dull any pain and the dentist will be impressed by the small of your breath.

Chewsday Chewsday

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Friday Whine :-(

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