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AB Shutdown...

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Jemisa | 13:06 Sat 02nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I heard there was a Shut-Down of AB yesterday aft'n or was it Friday?
For a few renovations, can anyone tell me what they were? I don't want to break any new rules.



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They have added a word counter, so when you reply to a question you can see how many letters you are using up to a maximum of 4000

it should be mentioned though that the word counter will not distinguish between letters and use of the spacebar (which will also add to your letter total)
Yesterday was Friday!!

Maybe to just blow a few cobwebs out of the system.
The word counter is a great addition. Thanks to the Ed.
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Thanks Ratter DOH! - My brain is in a mucking fuddle....


PS> - No wonder the ED allowed my looonngg joke yesterday.

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We get our spaces counted as characters as well? Sounds like a waste of space to me.
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lol, well that was not very nice was it ;)
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indeed trim, well at least snags got a nice word on his birthday thread! :)
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Well yes, Thanks to Cazz but thanks to Ratter too for reminding me it was Friday yesterday.
I'm lost this week there's been so much going on here.(our house)

nicely done.. ;)

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AB Shutdown...

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