I'm a pedestrian (and bus user), not a cyclist, but I don't mind at all cyclists using wide pavements. I've hardly ever risked being knocked up by a cyclist, unlike with cars. Plus bikes don't make a din like cars, and don't pollute. I live in a busy city centre, and the walk to/from my bus stop every morning and every evening is not a pleasant one.
I've seen policemen arresting cyclists on the pavement several times (it beggared belief, as the cyclists were absolutely not in the way of the pedestrians) and I've nearly intervened. I think I am going to in the future, and I'm also going to write to my city council (and MP). We very nearly had a bike hire scheme in my town (like in London) and it got scrapped because the city council withdrew funding. Yet whenever you go on their website, they are advertising the town as a green town!