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Have there really been no post

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micmak | 22:42 Sat 02nd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Since 19.48 does that mean It's bed time?


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Hi mic, yep, a really peaceful evening, makes a change. Are you and mrs. mic well?
I think it does mic, so that's what I am going to do. Night all - have fun.
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Evening Ena, doing okay. foot still not good but getting there. Mrs MM is the best. I don't know what I would without her.
Sweet dreams, Star.
Sorry your foot is still playing up, mic. That has gone on a while now, you must be fed up with it. You old sweetie - lovely to read that ♥
it has been quiet , I'm working tomorrow and so I'm off to bed soon too, there was an amazing sunset tonight , and you know what they say,
red sky at night shepherds delight
red sky in a morning, birkenhead's on fire
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Ena. I love your Vivien Leigh Pic. Off to bed now. Sleep well.
She is gorgeous, mic, and no mistake, classic beauty.

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Have there really been no post

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