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Glorious weekend or what?

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Bobbisox | 22:56 Sun 03rd Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
What a wonderful weekend, sunny and warm,
I hope you all enjoyed yours


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Weekend summary:

Planned to go to London. Woke up. Turned alarm clock off. Turned over. Went back to sleep. Finally got up around lunchtime. Did very little.

Planned to go to London. Woke up. Turned alarm clock off. Turned over. Went back to sleep. Finally got up around lunchtime. Went to Southwold. Had nice time at seaside.
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Oh Dear
glad you enjoyed it x
Hi Bobbi. Just glad it stayed nice for Wimbledon. Enjoyed the tennis today. x
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me too Jan
hope Gary is making good progress
Yes, sounded much better today. Going to see him tomorrow.
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that is sounding positive Jan, I wish you both well xx
I went to the beach today , bobbi and my the same colour as your face, Chris. - that's with sun cream :( still, it was a lovely day.
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Hi Lore, we just sat in the garden, it was lovely, had our lunch on the decking, why oh why can't it last longer than a couple of days eh?
Yes Bobbi the weather has been glorious. We heard my H friend was admitted to a hospice in Marlow yesterday, He went to visit today and came away quite upset. Also there has been an air of gloom lately as poor old auntie died.

Big benefit of being retired is that "weekends" no longer matter.

Monday becomes a good day for trips out - places are less crowded, and restaurants are pleased to see you.

This weekend, I sorted out gardening and mooched round the house.

Tomorrow, off to the great Metrollops!
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hello Jem, there is always sadness for someone, I am sorry to hear that x
Im hoping it'll return in 2.3 weeks when I finish for the summer. Yaaaay! :)
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venator, retirement is wonderful, I don't know how I found time to work, all that stress and strain, now serenity
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I hope so to Lore x
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well that's me off to bed folks, I hope you all have a lovely week ahead
Sleep well, bobbi :)
Night Bobbi. You too. x

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Glorious weekend or what?

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