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Removable Discs

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10ClarionSt | 18:59 Sat 02nd Jul 2011 | Technology
6 Answers
When I go into My Computer, there are 5 icons showing removable discs, ie drive D, drive H, drive G and so on, but I haven't got any removable discs inserted into my computer. I tried to right click then delete them, but it doesn't work. Can anyone advise please? TIA


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Do you have a card reader drive built in to your computer where you have a few different slots for different memory cards? Often each slot will relate to a drive letter even when none is inserted.
Drive emulation software .. or image tool (like MagicISO)
They construct virtual drives.
RAV1D is right.

If you have a set of card readers for different devices (SD Card, XD Card etc) then each "slot" will have its own letter.

btw Deleting things when you dont know what they are is a BAD idea in Windows. If something is doing no harm leave it alone.

If you delete it then there is a good chance something will stop working.
If you install Clone, Clony, Alcohol, MagicDisc, Nero Image drive .. you can have as many drives you like.
I installed one of those 5.25" USB/card reader/audio sockets etc. units and ever since I've had 4 extra removable drives show up in my "My Computer".
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