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Jillius | 18:08 Mon 04th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Anyone else noticed that that Dawn Griffiths on tonights programme is the mother of Alexandra Griffiths who was kidnapped as a baby years ago ?


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i don't remember her , i don't think
I didn't watch it, but I read she was on it.
I remember the TV press conference after baby Alexandra was Dawn had signed an exclusive deal with The Sun/NOTW (?) she answered all questions about how she was feeling, etc., with " I can't really say..."
Nice to see she put the money to good use though

At least it is a good feel story.

Unlike that yarn about the mother in law from hell that was e-mailed all over the shop. Turns out the son is in wedding planning as a business and all of this could have been some bizarre PR ruse to boost his business.....

Hope he fails if that is true, unlike the young lady here in this story.
There's this too, about Alex.

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I was trying to find that link Boo. I remember seeing it last week. Strange how they both crawl out of the woodwork all these years later. Having said that, it seems like yesterday that it all happened !
was she todays host ?
I watched it but did not know.
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yes she was
The host who'd never made a syllabub before!!

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