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Feel a bit sorry for my son

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sherrardk | 19:39 Wed 06th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
My eldest son (11) has come home from school today with a letter telling him all about a school trip he's going on. It details the rare spoon collection and huge postcard collection, along with loads of other really boring stuff that they will be seeing and how lucky they are that they are being allowed to see all this wonderful stuff. He really doesn't want to go (especially as the trip leaves at 7.30) and looks really miserable. My biggest problem is that I have got to keep my gob shut that he is actually going to Drayton Manor for the day (don't want to spoil it for him but he looks really p***ed off about!).


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Wish I had thought of that, Boo!
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I think that the boy is half hoping it's a wind-up but deep down feels that the school and teachers wouldn't do that to him, he's all confused, bless him. Both myself and my husband think that it is funny and even his siblings are winding him up about it.
Was ace Euphemia, we spent weeks building this pressy up, the look on her face when she opened it up and it was an iron was priceless.

(Disclaimer- no, it wasn't her real Xmas pressy!)
Priceless, Boo!
There was Father Christmas, then the tooth fairy and now this.

He'll never trust you again, and will grow up all bitter and twisted.
Tell him there's a few spoons from the Harry Potter films (or other applicable favourite film). Maybe even a signed postcard from a footballer...i dunno...I approve though, very amusing!
my worst school trip was at 10 yrs old all being taken to watch Romeo &Juliet at the Regents Park open air theatre, had I been older I might have appreciated it and it rained too.
forgot to add sherrardk I hope the lad has a lovely day and comes back full of it.

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Feel a bit sorry for my son

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