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Morning - raining -

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abstibus | 06:32 Wed 06th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
No surprise then. That makes a total of four days clear weather since the beginning of May.


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its been lovely here, for the most part, since may, weeks of sunshine, had a break with a little bit of rain, and the last few days has been changeable, but can't complain, where are you?
We have had very little rain since May. Some more would be very very welcome.

Would also like to know where you are annemollie.
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I have the good fortune to live by the sea, overlooking Donegal.
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My skin is all wrinkled from the rain, my hair is a frizzy mess, my plants are in despair, the washing is permanently wet, and I have a hole worn in the garden path running in and out to put laundry on/take it off the line.
Raining again.

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Morning - raining -

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