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Coffee spoon in my tea!

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MrsLeeG | 09:08 Fri 08th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
94 Answers
Now i know there are many important issues in life and his is not one of them, but i HATE when people stir my tea with a teaspoon that was in a coffee cup! I dont like my tea tasting of coffee, if i wanted coffee i would have asked for coffee.

Does this bug anyone else or am i on my own??


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jno ... Quite !
You are dead right JJ, DON'T because I can smell a fart before you brop it.!!

I'm not sure what to make of that particular ... err ... gift !
...or DROP it even. (giggle)

Jem is a human blood hound !!

Eeek !

Golly ... when your nose is that sensitive, the whole world must ponk sometimes.
I can smell burning before anyone else, damp when others can't. Smell dogs when I enter a strangers house. can identify most perfumes. Altho its not all good because I think its because of my failing sight my sense of smell has intensified.

Jem makes me feel like I should go for another shower ... just in case.
JJ, No need you smell lovely as you are. That Johnsons baby powder smell is nice. (sniff)

Im the same, Generally speaking I just drink strong black coffee, but if I drink tea I can taste the coffee if the spoon was previously used to stir coffee, you really can taste it and it spoils a good cuppa!
I must remember not to have my gym bag anywhere near my lappy when you lot are on here !!!
<<<<< Sniffs.............................. JJ Did you actually have a shower this morning, even Gilligan has left the room whining!!!
Couldn't agree more, MrsLeeG. Same with the butter/jam knives too.
I attempted a serious thought at 07:44, but once again the thread has sunk into farce.

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Coffee spoon in my tea!

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