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Cream crackered

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sherrardk | 21:46 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Got in an hour ago after a fab day out (Techniquest, Cardiff Bay, the beach, some time at a holiday camp at their brilliant water play ground (for free), back to Cardiff for tea (husband's treat as he is flush as the moment)). Done the packed lunches for tomorrow and all children in bed! Hope everyone else had a nice day too (sorry if your day was rubbish though).


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If I'd had a day like that I'd be in my bed before my kiddiewinks :D

Glad you all had a very nice time x
You've had a full on day there sherrard! A day of painting for me .. wanted to get a start on things before the winter.
We've had a good day too - first day back from hols, the sun shone which makes it much nicer to come back to! (Work tomorrow, though, groogh...)
Good weekend sher, went up to see my son and his family in North Wales, then went to Chester races yesterday, had a great time!...drove back this afternoon!........shattered!....but enjoyed!..........
I miss Cardiff : (
Been at work all weekend, car broken and so this morning I had to walk for 30 minutes to where a work mate could pick me up as no buses on a sunday, worked 8 hours then she dropped me off abit nearer home but still a 20 minute walk, so I nipped into te esso garage and bought a white magnum, cheered me up, then when I walked in the door my son had made a huge tuna pasta bake and poured me a B & C, this no driving has it's perks lol
Sounds good Sher. Had lazy day Sundays are all about newspapers and crosswords but did nip out to a car boot sale, after paying 50p and parking up realised everyone was packing up so we came back home.
dotty .. how thoughtful of your son!
Oh Dotty, could have been a very bad day, but not that bad all round then!...

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