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mrs_overall | 13:36 Fri 08th Jul 2011 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
One of my brothers in law has just returned from the hospital. His whole leg is deathly white, is very painful and he cant walk. He has been diagnosed as critical limb ischamia/SFA occlusion. Just how serious is it? He is one of those people who dont think to ask questions!


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Woooh! lets get things clear in my own mind.

Are you saying that he has had peripheral vascular disease for some time and this as been treated by SFA , discharged from hospital and the leg is still white and painful.

Have i got the facts right?
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He has had his first visit to a consultant as an outpatient and this was her diagnosis.
He goes back on Wednesday this week for an angiogram. He is in constant agony, even when laying on the sofa.
Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusion
Well, for what it is worth, i feel that he should be admitted straight away and an emergency angiogram performed as if the situation is as stated by your goodself and embolectomy or bypass is not performed then he is in danger of losing his leg.

However if this has been long standing, then there may well be collaterals that have opened up and supplying enough blood to the leg.

it doesn't sound like it to me.

Keep us informed.
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Ta sqadlet

The idiot admitted he's been suffering with it for 6 months and never said a word to anyone. He only mentioned it in passing when he went to see his Gp with earache!

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