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roxie_09 | 10:03 Wed 13th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Ok, I dont think I am a snobby 21 year old, but am sat in a court waiting room (long story) and I am surrounded by scruffy looking people, I thought people would make some sort of effort in a situation like this? Maybe it's just me xx


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There is no excuse to be slovenly. Anyone can make their self presentable, it doesn't cost much to show you've made an effort. The people that don't are just bone idle and ignorant, nothing to do with money.
Dash it, I was just on my way to Asda in my best negligee.
The one I like is:
Q: What do you call a guy in court, dressed in a suit and tie in Liverpool (Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle or wherever)?
A: The defendant.
Probably banned to make a stand that some things are acceptable and some aren't which was the case years ago. You wouldn't wear certain items of clothing in certain places, simple as that but as that's all gone out of the window along with public decency then that's another reason why society is like it is now - nothing and no one matters apart from "Me".
Same with women who go to pick their kids up from school or nip to shops in pyjamas. Lazy with no self respect. A terrible example to their children.
ta roxie.... i dont understand shops banning them.... I would never go shopping in mine but i do go in loose colourful jersey material trousers and tops that could pass for jamas
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I agree with what people have said. It doesn't cost much at all to get smart trousers and top, I've bought trousers for as cheap as 6 pounds. There is no excuse for it x
up, showered and ready early, always a touch of make up even if I am staying in, I have always and will always look after my appearance, it makes you feel better
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I can't remember why they banned it and as I'm not home ATM can't check. Xx
I've been in the same situation roxie, all suit and tie and these scallies roll in in trackie bottoms and being loud. They all seemed to know each other too as if they regularly meet up there. I guess, though, that they don't care what people think of them and that's half the reason they're there.
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Haha yeah I did notice that too lol. I heard one mother say to another "I'm here with one son, but was there a few weeks before with another son" I felt quite awkward walking in and out too as they were Huddled near the entrance door smoking their fags etc. God knows what they were there for And I couldn't care less. I just couldn't get over the utter lack of smartness in such circumstances. X
They didn't nick your phone then, roxie?
Yes that's another thing. These type of people never seem to be able to afford to dress nice or feed their kids decent food but they always, always seem to be able to afford a top of the range mobile phone.
you could have amused yourself looking at the court listing roxie.... don't know about now but years ago it used to say the offence under their name..... it would have wiled away the waiting guessing who was up for what :)
daisya i have seen some guys sitting outside cafe's and pubs with no shirt on, very tacky, as to the market traders, think its not very appealing.
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Lol sandy no they didn't. I was holding onto it for dear life though haha and my bag ;). Yes always the best phone and always plenty for their cigarettes and 'bling' haha x
Yes em and usually skinny untanned males too, no hunks (haha). Just don't think unclothed people should be walking/sitting about in shopping areas, on the beach fine, it's expected.
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Safiya I didn't see a notice  but I was making very judgemental scenarios up ha oops 

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