visiting auschwitz poland in The AnswerBank: Travel
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visiting auschwitz poland

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tonyxib2 | 20:30 Wed 13th Jul 2011 | Travel
13 Answers
when visiting the camp are dogs allowed
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they are - if they are circumcised.
20:43 Wed 13th Jul 2011
Guide dogs probably .. yes.
I have been and it's a good tour and very interesting .. although morbid.

Salt mines just outside Kracow are my favourite.
me too Tony as Albags has said it is a very moving experience, did not see any dogs there I have to say, in fact I never saw or heard a bird even
they are - if they are circumcised.
For a definitive answer, phone the public relations department on (+48) 33 844 8058.

(Put 00 in front of that number if dialling from the UK).

I will be serious now, it is a moving experience - as is the Jewish Museum in Washington DC, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
I also read this as "when visiting are camp dogs allowed"

the answer being that the Jewish faith is far more tolerant of gay sexuality than most other religions.
My late father in law was posted there just after it was relieved and he always told us that there were no birds there then.
find that in a lot re the birds of China too...Mao hated them and tried to take them out during the Cultural Revolution - and I am being serious.....
feathered sort....just for clarification
why would you want to take a dog there? The practicalities of pet passporting and travel arrangements must be huge.
It takes all sorts
On the London Underground dogs must be carried, but most people don't bother

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