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Irish pubs are all over the place :-)

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Bobbisox | 10:46 Thu 14th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Don't get me wrong here, I like them, I said yesterday I am going to Bulgaria (doing a friend a big favour) it is not in the Tourist area but more in the mountains, after taking a look at this little villagey place, there is an
IRISH PUB there !
it is way off the beaten track this place, how would they get their Guinness there, by donkey?
I am very intrigued ,
well done the Irish, I say


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''There are sad people who say they are Irish just because some distant relative was from Ireland because they think it is 'cool'. ''

Like Barack Obama...
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Barack O'bama........?
lol... 'and we don't tan easy either'...
I don't know either Dave, My four grandparents were Irish, my mum was born in South Shields, my dad in St Helens and I was born in Mansfield and my middle name is Padraigh but I never have or will consider myself as anything but English. Cut my leg off and the Cross of St George will run through my leg like the letters in a stick of rock
not the real thing i suspect, Guinness doesn't travel that well.

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Irish pubs are all over the place :-)

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