what are the symptoms of depression? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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what are the symptoms of depression?

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star57 | 07:27 Tue 12th Jul 2011 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
is legs feeling heavy and headaches some of the symptoms?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Might be.....but not classical symptoms of a depressive illness.
tiredness, lack of motovation, suicidal, ive suffered and battled depression most of my life but i have never had headaches or the feeling of heavy legs , hope that helps though you should go see doc . good luck
Second-guessing unseem symptoms is never a good idea.

As advised, these are not classic symptoms, but your GP will examine you and tell you what is wrong, and offer some appropriate treatment.
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I've been diagnosed with agoraphobia/depression,I was just wondering because my legs and head hurt a lot
Sounds like you should book an appointment with your Doctor. I strongly suspect something is wrong, and it wouldn't hurt just to have a 'well being' talk with the doc.

I had to book my wife into a session and then drag her to the doc. Within six minutes (I was allowed to sit-in with her), the doc had confirmed she was suffering from depression; gave her some pills for a few months, and she soon bounced back.

This will only help you if you start to face the issue and that means, seek help now.

Good luck. Let me know how things work out.

Lord knows, I saw enough for two lifetimes during my Navy career, especially during prolonged sea duty tours of extended 45 day patrols,

Old Salt
Here are some common examples and symptoms of depression
Prolonged period of sadness.Mope around the house and feel sorry for one’s self is the best example for this symptom of depression.

Feels hopeless, perennial pessimist
Tiredness, withdrawal from social interaction, lake of attention to personal hygiene, loss of ability to concentrate, loss of appetite or comfort eating, tearfulness, irritability, in severe cases thoughts of extreme worthlessness, thoughts of self harm, also physical symptoms which may simply be an excuse rather than face the psychologial ones, headaches are a common one as in I have a headache which really means I feel too cr@p to deal with this right now.

More rarely loss of insight, loss of self control/self protection.... women sometimes become compulsive shoppers in the early stages men are more likely to gamble or become risk takers either because the results don't matter....or because in the short term the buzz relieves the bad feelings for a while...

Heavy legs? a psychological rejection of the path you are following.... are you in a job or social role you are uncomfortable with only I get the tiredness to the point of not wanting to put one foot in front of the other when I am going into a bad bout so I think I know what you are getting at but its usually when I feel I am going the wrong way in my life

based mostly on personal experience apart from the symptom list at the top
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up date about me,I finally went to see the doctor Thursday,he started me on medication I've only taken it 2 times once yesterday and gain today, since I've been taking it I'm starting to notice a difference I'm starting to feel better I've been getting out of the house more and feeling not so stressed,just letting everyone know because they said to keep them updated on how I'm doing
That's great news star57,

It really has brightened the start to an otherwise drab day.

Old Salt
So glad for you. Depression isn't the nicest to go through. Keep well!

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what are the symptoms of depression?

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