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emmie | 13:04 Sun 17th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
you do the washing, well some do, and get the stuff out of the machine, only to find a sock missing, why can't it be the pair, then you probably wouldn't notice. The same with earrings, never lose both, always one, so unlikely you can get a replacement, i have hunted high and low for the sock, perhaps it's fed up with the weather, and gone on its holidays.


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I wear Pop-Sox when I'm wearing trousers and the same happens with them, althogh they're all same shade so no big prob. Do lose the odd Hs sock but being as he always wears the same colour its not always noticed.

The teaspoon question is interesting too, I bought six for the office, there are none at all in the drawer now!
I have a sock bag you put in washing machine so they dont get seperated
4get, that's too organised....
Teaspoons are easy I think you will find them in the garden (kids digging) In the garage (for leverage) In the bottom of the dishwasher (They fell out of the cutlery container) and in fields and beaches the world over when you took them on a picnic. Alternativelt your friends are taking them to replace theirs!
and why does buttered toast always end up butter side down if you drop it?
just a thought
None of those things apply in my office, mclaren!!
Ooops 4get, I read that wrong thought you said 'sick bag' The mind boggled!!
Same socks is not boring. Buy more than one in black, blue, red whatever you like. As long as you have more than one pair you are OK until the next one gets eaten.
interesting Mclaren but none really apply to me either, always assumed they've gone out with the rubbish somehow.
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Cutlery now that's interesting isn't it, because how do you lose knives, forks and particularly spoons, i mean you wash up, put items in cutlery holder to drain, quite posh that, then hey presto one is missing, did it jump out and run off with the sock, maybe that's it. Earring are a problem though, snag one on a sweater, it rolls off someplace, there are only so many hiding places indoors, out comes the torch and its like aneka rice and treasure hunt.
I's say most items of cutlery are lost when taken to work/school with pack up
My OH has loads of one legged men (odd socks). I am not sure where their matching ones are. Yes, I can loose cutlery too.
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well looks like i will have to keep looking, can't have his mate blubbing all over the place. Bobbiesox, isn't that gravity, the thing with the toast.
Keep the socks rolled up in the future before you put them in the washing machine and loss of socks will become a thing of the past.
As an opposite to things disappearing does anybody else find that coat hangers seem to multiply? I've hundreds of them yet I only recall buying ten decent wooden ones and whenever asked in a shop if I'd like the hanger I say no thanks.
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well he's back from his holidays, was hanging out with the towels and somehow got pegged, so drying off nicely.
I find I lose paring knives all the time and I don't learn by it I'm always doing it. I wrap it up with the peelings of the veg & put it in the bin.
They're not cheap to buy eother.

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jemisa i have done that, lost my best veg knife, then tipped out all the rubbish on the floor, because was sure that is where it was, can't lose that one because its an inexpensive gem.

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