I have a Leylandii hedge, tightly trimmed and height controlled which is now showing brown patches along parts of its length. When touched the brown elements just crumble (presumably dead?)Is this a danger sign of any kind and can it be treated.
My Leylandii went like this a couple of years ago and I read that it was a small spider (or something ?) causing it but I wondered if it was dying in parts due to lack of water as my trees are very close together.
I decided to soak the roots regularly and they seem OK now. You could try plenty of water for a few weeks????
There is indeed a disease killing many Leylandii trees, and it appears to be spreading all over the UK, which in the opinion of many folk is wonderful news. One reason yours is gone brown could be you cut it back too far too early when trimming as they will not recover if you have.
Might be wonderful news to some carlton, but what if only the leaves die and the branches and tree trunk are left there - imo that would be even worse than the original towering trees. We have some in the house behind us and they reach right up above the housetops, never been trimmed, I shudder to think what they will be like without their leaves.
My nieghbour has two very tall leylandii in her back garden which (according to Sky TV Tech) are blocking the signal to our dish and we have had to get our dish moved 3 times because of them. I have asked her to get them cut back but she says she can`t afford too, expecting me to pay for it I think.
Damn things should all be banned .. not even native species .. I sympathise.
Start watering it with paraquat Carlton (or pee on it .. if it's strong enough)