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Hooray, we have a Weather Warning in place for us here ,tomorrow

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Bobbisox | 21:18 Mon 18th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Can the Summer get any better I ask myself ;o))))


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We were having a lovely summer until last week. We now have winter. Your fault Bobbi. You wished it on me!!!
we've been at risk from toxic fumes here for most of the day. Big chemical spill not helped by wind and rain. I dont care what weather is like tomorrow, as long as its nice for weekends :)
It's an Irish summer.....
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I never did Lottie I remember clearly saying how much I thought it was so nice, Norfolk having that lovely weather when we were having rain, I did now! :-))
It's also a Muslim summer - a mixture of Sunni and Shi-ite
Blame me, I'm getting my postage sized garden landscaped.

If I hear the weeds are getting watered one more time I will rip a tissue.
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really red, where abouts are you, I hope it's contained now
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It's also a Muslim summer - a mixture of Sunni and Shi-ite

suffolk. Not contained as such yet, but think latest warnings are to keep windows closed.
ROFL DT, (you might get into trouble for that tho, but it's very good)
That's what you said Bobbi, but I know you secretly cast a spell to give us bad weather - you witch you!! ;o)
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lets hope theres no wind then red but but by the isobars on the map, it doesn't look good
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so the doll from Haiti worked, I am pleased I bought that LL,,:o)

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Hooray, we have a Weather Warning in place for us here ,tomorrow

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