I had a nice one today. Had a coffee at my fav cafe.
In comes a guy with the ring in the ear lobe, tattoos everywhere and his gf/wife with the spiky peroxide hair and a gorgeous late 3 year old. (Plus a family friend).
She was obviously very sparky and bright (and so to were the parents when we got chatting - distracted me from my editing work and filling forms in for my mater who has the Big A). The old saying of "Looks deceive"
The little one is asked what she wants for brekkie - lots of pleases and tys by the way!
"Egg and a chip house"
"They don't do chip houses for breakfast"
The cafe stacks chips like one of those mind puzzles.......They agreed to make one.
"And, Mummy, I would like two sausages as well, not those minature ones you give me, please" (yes she used the word minature).
The manager brought it out some ten minutes later after Dad had been making sugar houses out of the sugar sticks (lots of bad puns between us about living in Sweetwater, the folk who live there are the Shakers, growing sucroses in their garden etc).
She looked at it, then said,
"What a small portion!" (word for word)