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The Sun

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karenmac60 | 21:48 Mon 18th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Apparently the Sun has been hacked


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Wait - what story did you get, cos mr mac got something about a foot with a nipple....
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Are you getting the front page story about Rupert Murdoch being found dead?
Are they looking for a red haired suspect?
Question Author
No, apparently his butler has been taken in for questioning :)
Not the butler again!
It's always the butler done it. When I win the lottery I won't employ one.
That explains all this fecking rain we`re getting
All Im getting is a 404?
They must have withdrawn it puternut as I'm getting that too now.
I`m getting a 403..ooh karen you`re in trouble lol
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I think they must be onto it. It was all about how Rupert Murdoch had been found slumped over his favourite hedge in the shape of a galloping horse, and in his home police found various chemicals he had supposedly ingested, a box of vintage wine and hand painted portraits of him wearing a top hat and monocle. It was very amusing - Karma at it's most entertaining :)
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It wasny me!!! :)
I'd have bought my first ever copy of the sun to have read that
You've obviously been hacking - do you want to resign now, or wait for the police?
karen, lock your doors and windows, it could be you who gets hacked next!
Are people still buying the Sun?

They should stop. Now.

In the name of Milly Dowler.
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The only hack I've ever had is on my finger :)
and Hopkirk - never bought it, never will.
I used to buy it on saturday just for their racing pages, not anymore

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