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Talking of practical jokes...

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Bbbananas | 08:07 Tue 19th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
On GMTV this morning I saw a clip of a film where, for some reason, a lad & his girlfriend were on a building rooftop. He pretended to catch a ball - and subsequently tripped & fell forwards off the edge of the building.

She screamed & looked horrorstruck. When she looked over the edge, he had broken his fall with a huge inflatable and there were the previously laid out placards spelling out "Will. You. Marry." and he was holding one, grinning, that said "Me".
Do you think this was funny? I thought it was brilliant, but for one split second, that poor poor girl.....


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Like I said: >>>At the end of the day, Practical Jokes are supposed to be funny, if it aint funny it aint a joke, its a mean trick!!! <<<<<
I was thinking of doing this for our 25th wedding anniversary, but my wife would probably find out, and have the inflatable towed away as her little joke...
Funny, for whom?
The joker? His audience? The victim?......Oh, there will be enough people looking on that *some* will find it funny...(and let's face it, providing the joker gets his rocks off, that's all that matters, isn't it?).......

Let me guess, Ratter, you loved shows like Candid Camera and Game for a laugh?.......
Ok, this is getting really silly, spiteful and nasty, all over someone elses opinion of a practical joke, what a bundle of fun we are!! End of !!!
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My fault Ratter. Like I said, I thought it was funny - after the initial horror was over for the girl - and let's face it, it was only for a few seconds. If they had kept this 'joke' going for any longer then it would have been cruel.

Personally, if my BF had done that, I'd have hit him, then hugged him.
That was not a practical joke

It would`ve been funnier if he missed the landing pad
Not your fault Salla, I thought it was great fun,the girl as absolutely delighted!!

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