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I don't like it!

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Jemisa | 06:22 Wed 20th Jul 2011 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
We've just finished decorating our hall & I hate it, its just not how I imagined it would be, My H said he's not doing it again (It was blooming hard work) & we'll just have to live with it. I suppose I will get used to it in time, its clean, fresh, different, even nice, but I can't help it I don't like it.
Have any of you had this problem?



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Yes, and painted over it, paper is more difficult, its a job i was never good at, always paper ended up mismatched, can you get someone in to redo if you really aren't happy with it.
depends what you aren't happy with Jemisa - the colour, the paper, the carpet - maybe you just aren't used to it yet? different lighting can make all the difference - give it a while, it may grow on you.
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Yes, I think lighting may make a difference I'd like wall lights but H said its too late now he's not starting channeling walls now. Get someone in em?
Thats why we did it ourselves in the first place we'd had quotes of £170 - £200 so no options now. (I've brainwashed my Son in Law to change the feature wall paper) the rest of the walls are painted.

change the light bulbs to a colour that will wash the walls with a different tone add strong colour in the form of pictures so your eye is drawn to then rather than the colour of the walls
if you can live with it, keep it

if not, change it.

nothing worse than sitting on the sofa night after night, feeling fed up and seething at the grotesque paint job that you spent a lot of time and money doing. do it again, and do it right.
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Great minds think alike Rowan,the pics are going up when SIL changes paper today, Good idea about light.
I think I will be a lot happier then.

I will admit, I love wall lights, I do dislike harsh ceiling lights, how about adding a lamp or getting a more diffusing ceiling lampshade, it will give off a similar glow?
me and mrs kou often just while away the hours in the sitting room by candlelight.

we can't afford electric.
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Awww!! How romantic.


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I don't like it!

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