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How old should a child be before he/she is given a mobile phone?

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Bobbisox | 14:22 Wed 20th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
My daughter firmly refuses to bow to pressure and give my grandson a mobile phone, he has just this week turned 7, a lot of his little classmates have received one for their birthdays, I thought 12 upwards would be the norm???


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I was 53 when I got my first one, if that's any guide.
my sister had said 12 and all of my nieces friends were getting phones (some iphones). Anyway, as way of trying to allow my niece more freedom she gave in at 10 but just got a cheapy pay as you go that my niece was to have with her for emergencies when out and to allow my sister to keep in touch with her if necessary. This has worked well and to be honest my niece really has had little interest in using it other than the purpose it has been given.
My phone is like that Annie. And it's all I want. To be honest, I take it out when I go out (if I remember) and I find I haven't topped the battery up. I forget all about it and never check it for messages. It's useful on occasions, but I could do without it.
reminds me of when i worked for bt cellnet on mast site development.

you'd get parents moaning about the effects of phone masts being near to their kids school, and then moan when their kiddywinks can't get a mobile reception in the classroom.

I agree actually that after the firts week, it ceased to be a novelty for my two and they had to be reminded to take it with them. 11 year old is now showing a bit more interest which probably confirms that 11 is about right unless you want them to havve it for contact purposes before that. I have a work mobile but don't bother otherwise and OH has one for emergencies - obviously his emergencies rather than ours as he doesn't switch it on unless he needs to use it!!
Hi Bobbi, I applaud your daughter and her choice to wait and not be swayed by peer/ pester power. It is refreshing to hear of a parent sticking to their own thoughts regarding issues such as this. I have no idea when it is the right time, like some folk have already mentioned a hop up to senior school might be a good time, or when the child socialises independently of its' parents. Whatever it is good on her for standing by what she believes to be right . She has her head screwed on right....does she take after you ? xx
Plautus 1439 post - ROFL

I had to arrange for the acquisition of mobiles phones for the daughters of my MD at age 9 for one and 7 for the other - and quite techy phones they were too (says grandad of 55 who relies on 5 yr old to operate dvd). I thought they were too young but they have both been very responsible with usage and who they phone/text. Maybe strict parental control in this case has been applied
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of course she does flump x
<<<well its pink and rubbery and some would say like the real thing>>

I think Sqad has one of those, she goes by the name of Lola, and I think its 'pay as you go' and not on a contract (:o)))
My daughter got her first for her 11th birthday - he dad bought it and I wasn't too happy about it, but it was so he could keep in touch with her. It was PAYG, but since I ended up topping up her credit all the time, I got her a contract one last Xmas (she's now 15). She's never gone over her limited minutes or texts so it works out cheaper for me in the long run.
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How old is she Trigs? I can't remember.
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Well, she got it at a sensible age then x

7 is ridiculous.
I expect she is more sensible than her Dad? Does she keep you in check?
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I agree that 11 is quite old enough. Two of my grandchildren are going to senior school in september and have both had a mobile phone for their birthdays this month.
It can only get worse Trigs. She is at the age when girls especially turn into monsters. It takes boys longer. Good luck. You will survive like the rest of us.
Actually Triggs, I wish I'd got a contract one for her sooner but I was worried she'd go mad with it. It's saved me a small fortune ;)

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