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Will this do.....

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micmak | 20:45 Sun 24th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Remember the news about beko fridges catching fire. Well the model of mine is one of them. Beko man is coming tomorrow to change a part. No time given betwix 8am and 8pm. so stuck in all day.Oh and he is an engineer and not a labourer so please make access to the back or the F/F available.


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I thought they would accommodate people more after all it's their faulty items causing the problems. Hope it goes ok for you but what a bind to have to wait in all day AND to have to move the fridge out yourself.
engineers have become so precious lately
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Can't remember what we paid for it. It said at the time "state of the art" and i must admit It is the bees knees, but i really don't need this.
well i certainly would not go lumbering my fridge freezer around when it was no fault of my own..when he comes and you have not moved it if,and it is a big if,he refuses to fix the problem tell him you are going to phone trading standards forthwith..i bet you he moves it and does the job micmac..

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