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United states of Europe one step closer?

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venator | 20:24 Wed 20th Jul 2011 | News
22 Answers
There are growing calls from Brussels for a fiscal union as the only way of saving the Euro. All Governments would surrender their taxation and budgetary powers to Brussels.


Napoleon and Hitler tried and failed - perhaps the faceless unelected men may succeed.

"All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"



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Now George Osborne's talking about fiscal union!

Extract from his article this morning -

But George Osborne says the “remorseless logic” of monetary union takes the single currency members in the direction of greater fiscal union, even if that did not necessarily mean having a single European budget or a single EU finance minister.
“I think we have to accept that greater eurozone integration is necessary to make the single currency work and that is very much in our national interest,” he says. “We should be prepared to let that happen.

Are we marching blindly into the United States of Europe, effectively to be ruled by Germany?
I think where George and I disagree is the bit about it being in the national interest. And consequently come to different conclusions. I don't think it is the logic that is remorseless, so much, but George and his fellow supporters of giving away our national sovereignty to the massive, undemocratic, and uncontrollable power group known as the EU.

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