I've heard that one before Hymie but it's still good to be reminded of it.
Back in the 1960s, I was listening to the old 2182Khz marine emergency channel on a very stormy night. A vessel was in distress and a search aircraft was trying to guide two lifeboats to the correct location. After an hour or so, the lifeboats were closing in on the vessel which the aircraft was circling. At that point, one of the coxswains was heard to radio the aircraft to ask if they were certain that they'd identified the correct vessel. The reply was that the ship below them was regularly flashing lights, so that the aircraft would be able to keep track of the vessel in the darkness. A very irate coxswain radioed back that it might have helped if the aircraft crew had bothered to compare the location of the flashing lights with that of an unmanned lightship, which was clearly shown on everyone's charts!
Yes, the aircraft was circling the wrong ship and (surprise, surprise) it was a USAF plane!