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Connemmara | 14:49 Mon 25th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
God I am sick of wearing spectacles - a set for reading and taking them off for far distance putting them back on and off.

Anybody go or advise for that laser treatment on the eyes if mine are suitable. I am 60 - my sister says it is too dangerous particularly I am so deaf and if I lost my sight I would be going about like Helen Keller using the thumbs. Thanks for any advice and also is it painful.

My wee niece described hers (she got it done about 3 years ago) as mini drills on your eyes without being knocked out.


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Psst, were my links any good for you, bednobs? :)
Hellooo, sara, hun. xx
My optician recommended varifocals to me, he said try them for 3 days and if
they are not right come back. I returned and all it needed was an adjustment. I have now worn them for 20 years changeing them every four years as my
eyesight changed.
started wearing varifocals 7yrs ago.never a problem.took about an hour to get used to the difference.brill.
craft.. my bottom, my marbles.. you name it, it's gone!

hey whiskeysheri :o) xx
re bras whiskey?
connemmara, do consider varifocals, just because your friend didn't get on with them doesn't mean that you won't. I go to an independent optician and they took 4 attempts to get the focuses on the different parts of the lenses exactly right for me - I only had to pay for the correct ones. If your lenses are set correctly you can't "see the join" and it changed my life - I am very shortsighted and I've had them now for around six years, I'd never go back to single-lens specs.
I tried varifocals for a year but could not get used to them - I had to position my self just so in order to read. Had no problems with bifocals. If you do not need glasses for distance then half-moon glasses might be the answer. I don't really need glasses for reading and was sick of taking them off to do so. I tried to get upside down half-moon glasses but every optician I tried said that there was no such thing.
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If you have a good optician (as I think I have) they will consider what you need the specs for, and space the lenses accordingly. I need a large view at the bottom for my desk and keyboard, a narrow bit in the middle to see the computer monitor, then a wide long-distance part at the top. I also carry my head with my chin up a bit and he made allowance for that too. It's definitely worth perservering.
I agree re varifocals. I am longsighted and it took me about half an hour to get used to them, tricky going down steps for the first time, but after that no probs and had them ever since. They may need adjusting but they save you so much trouble.
Connemmara, I am 62 and had the same problem as you. Having to constantly change glasses is nightmare!! I'd love to have laser treatment, just can't afford it though. So I wear contact lenses I put in when I get up in the morning and take out at night. When I need to read I wear glasses. I am lucky though as the glasses I use to read with (while wearing my contact lenses) are the same strength as the ones I would use for distance, when I don't have the contact lenses in. Works out really well for me and only costs me £13 per month at Specsavers, all fluids, checkups, eyetests included. So, if you find you are not suitable for the laser treatment, maybe contacts would help. Also, there would ne no danger in using contact lenses. Hope something works out for you.
No probs with my varifocals
i 've had varifocals for about 6 years now, no problems, there's no need to swap and change glasses for reading and distance.

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