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Deal or No Deal Anyone notice

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albaqwerty | 07:21 Tue 26th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
a future contestant who had 'I love AB' on the back of his/her hand?


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Pinkilady also said she had an audition for it coming up. Don't know when it was though.

Where is she anyway?
She's banned Milly....

In that name anyway!
ooohhhhh. I see.

hhmm, got me thinking now.
that's funny millie - I had it in my head that it could have been pinkilady but went to check her posts and because she is banned, you can't see any of her questions, pity..

Then the name of lidlicker was mentioned instead so thought I must be wrong....or then a gain, maybe not....

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Deal or No Deal Anyone notice

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