there is an elderly ginger blind cat which is lost in the Barking/Dagenham area, I know this is long shot but I heard his owner calling him for about 3 hours yesterday and she has put notices in everyone's letterbox,so if you live in this area pls check your sheds etc thank you, the cat is probably disorientated by now.
My last cat was blind and whizzed around the flat - but it will put the cat at a great disadvantage. As you say if he has become disorientated he may have wandered quite far in the wrong direction.
I hate hearing about missing family members - cats, dogs and even humans. Not so much the humans though.
thank you all for your kind thoughts, I havent heard anymore.
We have so many foxes around here at night that we lock our cat in the spare room [ with food, water and a litter tray] and dont let her out until morning.