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Tel £500 Prize crossword

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Dee Sa | 14:14 Sat 30th Jul 2011 | Crosswords
15 Answers
9d Stone tomb is shortened inside compound
a - g - a - - - e[9 letters] aggravate ?
2d expose morally repreheible military centre
a - r - a - e [7] airbase ?
23a gaiing by labour
- a - c - n - [7] nascent ?
help appreciated


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9 - aggregate ? (if your second a is wrong)
2 yes, air = expose, military centre = base
I'd say yes to 23 too, nascent is to do with birth = labour
23a Earning?
^^^ ignore that
is there a word 'gaiing'?
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thanks to all
sorry boxtops but the second a has to stay as 17a is angora [clue is :-fine wool from Bangor area]
Sorry, just realised gaiing was gaining
Question Author
sorry factor 30 I meant gaining for 23a but the answer I have has been confirmed.
OK, I will think again!
9d Aggravate?
9 has been answered on another thread as Aggregate
I thought on the other thread it was AGGRAVATE
9d is aggravate (To compound)

23a is earning
LOL factor, yes sorry Dee Sa, it was aggravate - not quite the ticket today ;-(

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