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Piers Morgan and the ides of, er, July

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chirpychirpy | 22:57 Thu 28th Jul 2011 | News
18 Answers
Do you get the impression the knives are out for Piers Morgan? He's gone a very long way very fast while many of his former colleagues have gone in the opposite direction. I reckon if any of them can pin any NOTW, Sun or Mirror scandal on him, they will soon. That will be like felling a massive oak tree.


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SO..... What is your question?
apparently when the private eye's files were gone through it turned out his biggest customers were not the NotW but the Mirror and the Mail. Plus Morgan has in the past made some rather rash comments about how widespread hacking was. These may come back to haunt him.

Well, I hope so. The theory that it was just 'one bad apple' hacking phones has been demolished. The theory that it was just 'one bad newspaper' may be next to go.
jem, the question is inhis first sentence; do keep up!
er, sorry, 'her'.
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I quite like Piers Morgan................
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He seems to be quite good at what he does, you don't get a show like his on CNN if you're rubbish, and he's very proud to be British.
i'm with you craft
he is good at his job
I like Piers, his articles are interesting, as are his books. He's got to where he is by good fortune and hard work, so good on him.
unless of course he got where he is today by breaking the law.
Lol @ Jno!!
I think he and Jeremy Clarkson should be stranded on a desert island.
Lol.....didn't Jeremy Clarkson punch him?
I think he did - perhaps it could make a good TV reality show...
I follow him on twitter, that Louise Mensch has it in for him. He told her he can prove he was never involved in hacking any phones. They have been having this Twitter-feud for ages with Lord Sugar wading in to support him. lol
I think Piers Morgan is a t**t. You only have to watch how he behaves on AGT to see that - he always buzzes in when nobody else does!

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Piers Morgan and the ides of, er, July

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