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micmak | 08:05 Mon 01st Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Yorkshire Day.
So come on all you Yorkists and celebrate.


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Happy Yorkshire Day then, I love Yorkshire with all its beautiful places and lovely people, wish I could live there and be an adopted "Yorkie" lol. ;-
happy Yorkshire Day!

but you're still a Londoner ;o)
Micmak - you beat me to this today - but to each and every Yorkie - wherever you may be:


Now i'm going to e-mail every Lanc that works for us and really p1ss them off!!!!
I'm not a Yorkist but have a good day all those that are. I'll do my bit for you by opening this pack of 'Yorkshire Pork Sausages' and giving them a right seeing to.

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I am a Londoner sara, but this is a lovely part of the world. I think of myself as adopted. lol
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I seem to remember its also Crafts birthday,so Happy Birthday from one Yorkshire lass to another.
i look forward to the whippet parade and flattest cap competition.
I was gonna come on and say "oh pfft, when does Lancashire get its day eh?" but when I Googled apparently....we do!

So errrr ahhhhh, happy Yorkie day I guess, you bunch of ferret trousered wearing weirdos ;-)
well i'm a yorkshire man,i never heard of "yorkshire day before??
Today is the day that the women of Yorkshire can exhort their menfolk to 'give them one'..........

........instead of the usual 'lending them one.'

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Boo - back end of November when it's dark, wet and dreary - just like most Lancastrians!!
................and a grand day it is too with glorious weather in God's country (I'm thinking of going back to bed).
← no beer = no celebr8ts
Love Yorkshire, all the places we visited, and the people friendly and kind to us poor old southerners, beer was good too, but some needed to be drunk very carefully, head banging stuff
Happy Yorkshire day to all you Yorkie bars. We had many happy holidays walking in the Dales.
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Well bless me, I'm a Yorkshire lass and I didn't even know there was a Yorkshire Day. :o(
Where have you two Yorkies been hiding Deggers and Mrs C. It's white rose day today. Careful with the sausages Jem.

I'll adopt you daisya.

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