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Family fall outs...

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ummmm | 16:01 Mon 01st Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Do you bicker and fall out?

Got a message from my nephew saying his dad has kicked him out. His dads family are forever falling out. I really don't understand it.

Anyone else got a family like this?


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Whilst doing my genealogy I found a cousin I never knew existed, and managed to contact him through Friends Reunited.
He told me that his father (my youngest uncle) had died about 2 months previously.
I apologised for not knowing, but explained that we hadn't heard from him for over 20 years (following an arguement). He said not to worry 'cos neither of his kids could stand him anyway.
I won't have anything to do with my uncles and aunt once my grandad has died as I think two have behaved dispicably and the aunt just has not been supportive enough to my mother who is the only one standing her ground in my grandfathers favour.

Am currently not speaking to middle sister as she's been out of order but I doubt it'll go on for years, neither of us want that. It's probably the first time we've had a properly serious disagreement though. I'm just not currently in the mood to make up and she's in australia anyway so there's a limit to how much we can actually argue the toss.

Generally I get on with my immediate family and cousins pretty well.
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I don't dislike any of my cousins (the adult ones at least) and I have loads of them..
I have never fallen out with anyone in my family. My 90 year old gran can't stand her daughter in law (who we all think is a complete nutter but harmless) because of how she treated my now deceased uncle. I couldnt imagine not speaking to anyone in my family but I understand things happen beyond our control sometimes.
My sister died three years ago and there was a problem over her will.
My niece and nephew argued with me over it and no longer speak to me.
It was just greed on there part. Money is the root of all evil where wills are concerned
I haven't spoken to my Mum for about 10 years and I don't think any of my siblings speak to her anymore either. During my late teens my Dad and I had a pretty tough relationship which resulted in him kicking me out and not speaking for a year. We're actually quite close now though. He doesn't speak to his only sister since she accused me of stealing something several years ago and then found it in the back of her car.

Two of my siblings only speak if they absolutely have to and it's been that way for at least 15 years so I don't see it changing. The rest of us all seem to get on quite well. We have our occasional gripes with each other but we always make up soon after. I prefer it that way as I would be buggered without my brothers and sisters, particularly the sisters.
My own family consist of my mother- who I have a difficult relationship with to say the least, my brother Micheal - we tear chunks out of each other each time we're in the same room ( we did try burying the hatchett when he got married and had a little girl but it really hasn't worked out)- my one sister whose always been wonderful and another sister who ( quite rightly) disowned the whole family as soon as she was 16 and cleared off to be respectable and who doesn't welcome any contact from any of us. My ex's family and I are very close however, her Mum is a wonderful warm woman and we all frequently meet up and so on and on Sundays she and her new husband are either at my house for lunch or I'm at theirs so happy days.
I had a dream last night that I had a really big argument with my closest sister and I woke up in tears. Must have been down to thinking about this post. Odd how it works.
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Sorry about that Milly :-(
No need for you to apologise Ummmm, my overactive imagination is to blame.

Although while we're on family fall outs, there may be another with my Dad later after him waking me up at 5am by shouting at the cat. He will feel my wrath! :)

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