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dustmen dont you just luv'em

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Dee Sa | 11:37 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I have recently had some work done to the stairs and the workmen left me about 8 sacks of rubbish in the the front garden also had a clear out in both garden sheds, decide too much to take to the dump, so waited with a fiver for the dustmen to come today, trouble was this lot were only doing the other side of the street so I went over to ask , not only did they reverse back up to my side of the street to outside mine, they took all my rubbish in the garden and emptied my bin [ only mine not next doors] and put it back in the garden as well.


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whaaaaaat, if your wheelie bin is slightly open they won't touch it and if you have too much rubbish and leave it neatly stacked they ignore that as well
Seeing the title I was ready to jump in and defend whatever you had to say was bad about dustmen but then read your post and wasn't what I expected you to say. I think they get a rough deal from a lot of people most of the time but as you have proven, they're alright if you are alright with them.
Our dustmen are good like that, they will take anything. When we moved in here 2 years ago we ripped out the kitchen and they took it all even the sink. We gave them a tenner, worth every penny.
I am very surprised at that, especially for a fiver lol. Ours are very strict and we are told to make sure the lid is down too although ours isnt at times and they still take it.
I think councils, the workers, and the public are all variable. Some seem to love being awkward, some seem unable to do enough for you, most fall in the middle. Recently we had these multiple collection umpteen bin nonsense started in my area. To be fair I have seem warnings on bins that looked just fine to me. I'm unsure if the workers/council think it amusing to take the taxes and find excuses not to remove that which they've been paid to remove. On the other hand I'm occasionally surprised at what folk leave out expecting to be taken away. And which is of course, left.
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personally I think our dustmen are great and we have always had weekly
collections and I always give them a tenner at xmas, would give more if I could afford it.
Our bin men are brilliant . They are here at 6am every Friday and will take all that I put out.Always go out to the wagon at Christmas with a tenner , speak to the driver and wish them a good holiday .
Could not ask for better.
many of ours just seem to take what's necessary, are careless how its gets into dustcart, and some detritus ends up on road, kerb, or floating down the street.
I have nothing but praise for our hard-working binmen.
You're lucky,years ago on bin day two guys would come round and move your bins from the house to the road side, this was in the days of the old zinc bins, plus most of the bins would be heavy with ashes as everybody had at least one coal fire. The wagon would come round and two more men would empty it into the wagon, by muscle power, no lifts etc in those days and shortly after an old boy, I've always remember his name was George, would follow the wagon, clean up any spillage and put the bin back at the side of your house. All this in a (normally) cheerful and helpful manner. With the lot we've got now you've more chance of winning the Lottery then getting your bin emptied if they decide its one inch to far from the road side

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