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Went to Morrisons again today....

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micmak | 22:35 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
For fish. not talking about offers, just fish for dinner. 2 pieces of cod please. Sorry no cod, then I will have haddock, sorry no haddock.Then what have you got in white fish. Answer, salmon and lobster. i have now given up on Morrison's I Pointed out that neither were white fish and his response was i only work here. What happened to staff training?


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sorry mikmak, but I think that most of the fish sold in Morrisons has been previously frozen!.........if you want fresh, you need to go to a port and buy it there!...........
You're probably right, welsh, they certainly tell you not to refreeze the prawns...
I thought you were ignoring me boxy :(

as if!
Ena, as if ;-)
I love visiting Swansea fish market, not cheap!.....but, Oh the fish on sale is really fresh and tasty!......worth the effort! OH loves Sea Bass, I get the most wonderful ones there!.........

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Went to Morrisons again today....

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