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tamborine | 23:16 Tue 02nd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
do they live in humus ? I've got little black things but they're not moving.


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No, they shouldn't. it's probably specks of spice, does it say on the ingredients?
Oh, not sure tambo!......thought they only lived in dry goods such as flour left in store cupboards for too long!.........
Yes you're right welsh. I'm sure it's not weevils!
My daughter found some in herbal tea..............
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I bought it today - there's no ingredients. Its crunchy - oh gawd wot am I eating
Tambo, what does it say on the label? Crunchy frog? It's probably bits of chickpea!
^ no ingredients, how come, have you bought a labelless pot?
tambo, the more I think of it, the more I am sure, they only live in dry goods!.........don't think it can be weevils!........may be some other bugs though!......I would just bin it!.....
I love houmous. It's virtually mashed up chick peas isn't it, with a bit of added salt, but there may be something else in it to make it taste different (not weevils). It has to say on the ingredients so be quick and have a look. I want to know what it is in case I find anything like it.
That'll teach you to go to Lidl...........
Perhaps it's black pepper, that's tiny black and crunchy.
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its a disposable pot that they put a measure in. The lid says humus, eat by 3rd Aug
When I buy mine it has a cardboard cover round it with all the ingredients on - this as I understand it, is the law. So, where did you buy it tambo? Don't worry - I am not the sort of person who can be bothered to report it, just will make sure I avoid the place.
Hummus needs tahini paste as one of the ingredients but it doesnt have black bits in it,personally I would take it back and ask the shop, least way they will replace for a new one.
Psocids? They can live in flour and chickpeas. I`ve had them in supermarket rice before now.

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