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paddywak | 15:02 Wed 03rd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The threatened rain has arrived, heavy enough to stop me gardening and with an occasional rumble of thunder how long it will last I don't know but the sky looks full of it.
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Where are you - still warm and clammy here. I'd love some rain !
Not here it doesn't....muggy as feck!!
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In North Notts, it's stopped already but as I said the sky looks full and the thunder is still rumbling and yes it's still warm and muggy
The sun's out just now in Cheshire, but apparently we're having rain tomorrow, bet it's still muggy though !
Very very hot and sunny here in Bournemouth but the wind has picked up a bit.
Had a tremendous rain storm here in York but now it's finished it's still muggy....
its annoying and according to the met office its still going to be muggy at night as well for the next few days :(
lucky you paddywak - hope it moves down my way - extreme SE - and we have thunderstorms - absolutely love them.
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unfortunately carmalee at the moment it's only thretening nothings actually happening. I like it warm and sunny but this last couple of days have been uncomfortably humid
think I love storms and this sort of weather cos it reminds me of Africa in the rainy season (lived there for 25 years)
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Funny stuff the English weather Trish has just got off the phone to my sister who lives about a mile away at the other end of the village and it's absolutely throwing it down and by the sound of it it's just arrived here, Like you carmalee I love to watch a good storm, I remember one year we were fishing in the Chanel and had to run into Guernsey though a storm and the lightening display was that spectacular I didn't even think about what could happen to a 30 foot fishing boat in that sort of a storm
I lived for a while at the foot of a mountain range with lots of banded ironstone and one night we had a storm to end all storms - strikes left right and centre- the rain was absolutely unbelieveable and the noise deafening - one of the dogs was terrified but the others sat out on the stoep with me watching it. No hope of any sleep with all that going on.
haha, that little interchange between paddywak and carmalee, I had to read like two dogs chatting! Small things eh!
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Well it is chatterbank pa_ul, it has also set me thinking of one of the first jobs I had as an apprentice electrician. After a thunder storm I had to climb all the lighting towers, bunkers and winders and check all the lightening conductors for damage, the topmost spike was a copper rod about 4ft long and an inch diameter and though they normally came through without damage every now and then you would get one that had been considerably shortened
:-)) pa_ul3

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