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Nearly had heart failure earlier

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sherrardk | 21:06 Wed 03rd Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Went to buy the 'official' school uniform stuff today. Boy #1 is starting secondary school (sob - he's still a baby!) so I knew it was going to cost a bit, but £9.99 for ONE polo shirt (with logo, compulsory), not to mention the shorts, PE t-shirt, rugby top and sweatshirt (don't mind the sweatshirt so much, but nearly a tenner for ONE polo shirt)!!!!


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My Grand-daughter starts at a London school next month and the full winter uniform - of coure slightly different for suumer - comes to £110 a set. So she needs 3 sets - one one one change one spare - and shoes on top as well.

Selling point by the supplier is 'they all come with name tags sewn in'
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On a plus side, I did notice that the uniform shop does computerised iron-on name tags quite reasonably. Going to get a shed load with just 'Sherrard' on them - pretty confident our kids will be the only ones with that surname!
Fao Bueno----snap --- I had a blazer when I was 11 , which came down to my knees and covered my finger tips . Was still wearing it at 16 , threadbare however, but it had a name tape in it.!
Noisy was missing for a full week but she woke me up at 4am on Monday, to announce that she was back (and that she was REALLY hungry!).
missing for a week - the hussy - she came back to you though didn't she?. xC
lol sher - we do similar, my 2 have the same first initial - eldest gets first initial plus surname put on his stuff then I can pass it down. On my younger sons stuff where I have had to buy new, I just need to scrawl his first name on it- it is a pretty unusual spelling of a reasonably uncommon name - there are only 1 or 2 named like that in Scotland each year and have never met another yet!
On the uniform front, i don't know why they cant just pick a reasonably normal colour and forget all the badge nonsense and then you could just buy it anywhere as long as you kept to the school colours. Schools close to each other just need to select different colours so that pupils are then recognisable.
Many good folk on this thread are saying 'Why can't they do this (and that)', well, why don't you put it to the head of the school? I'm sure you won't be the first, and there must be sensible alternatives. If you simply can't afford it - and there's no shame in that- don't do it. Can't see why (puternut) a child would need THREE sets of uniform !
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I don't mind the sweatshirt - but logo'd (sp) polo shirts, PE shorts and PE t shirts? I am fully aware that we are getting off lightly compared to some. Where is the common sense?
1960s Winter uniform:
Navy gymslip (no petticoat or underskirt allowed)
White shirts
Cerise/pale blue tie (almost Aston Villa)
Navy cardigan/ sweater
Royal blue blazer (with badge)
Navy knickers (with pocket)
Navy mackintosh (with hood)
White ankle socks/beige knee socks
Navy hat (with school ribbon)
Navy gym knickers (no pocket)
Yellow gym shirt
Navy divided skirt (hockey and netball)
White aertex shirt (as above)

Black or brown outdoor shoes
Black or brown indoor shoes
Black plimsolls (white ankle socks)
Black hockey boots (royal blue socks)

V1th formers allowed cerise sweater or cardigan (hand knitted)
lisle stockings
hair either put up or short enough not to touch the collar.

Knicker inspection at least once a week. Skirt length 2 inches above the knee when kneeling.

Summer uniform VILE (including boater)

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